What should I study after 12th to get a job in the Indian sports industry

This is a common question amongst young people.

The options for those who wish to become engineers, doctors, accountants; chefs, fashion designers, and many other professions, are very clear.

However, what are the options for those wishing to pursue sports management as a career?

The first option is to do any Bachelor’s course. It does not matter if it is in engineering, accounting, law, marketing, or even fashion design.

The key is to continue to pursue an education in a subject you are good at.

If you are good at science, go ahead and become an engineer.

If you are good with numbers go ahead and become an accountant.

If you are good with food, go ahead and become a chef.

If you like the law, go ahead and become a lawyer.

This may seem like strange advice. It is not.

Because once you have pursued a degree in the field of your liking and skill, you can then find a role that intersects your degree with the sports industry.

An engineer could find a job with technology in sports.

An accountant could find a job with the finance team of a sports company.

A chef could find a job with a sports nutrition company.

A lawyer could find a job to legally represent an athlete or a team.

The key is to find the intersection between what your skill set is, the degree you have pursued, and the job roles available in the Indian sports industry.

What about a sports management degree? That too is an option, and we have discussed it here (LINK).

While you are pursuing a degree, you could also sign up with us here at Sporjo.

The Sporjo process tests each candidate that signs up with us and gives you an analytical breakdown of your personality, your passion and your proficiency.

This process enables us to help identify the kind of job role you are best suited for and increase the odds of you landing a job successfully.

To get started, visit us here (LINK) to learn more about how we can help you.