About the Module:
India set the bar when it legislated Corporate Social Responsibility. From there CSR spending has evolved and has been behind some of India’s most transformative stories, including sport. The Indian sporting ecosystem now boasts of some of the world's best Sports Non-Profits that are engaged in work ranging from using sport to address social and environmental issues, to aiding and helping athletes fulfill their potential as Olympians. A sports Non-Profit carries with it unique challenges that can equip individuals with an enviable set of skills they may not be able to learn in any other environment.
This one-of-a-kind Sporjo course gives you access to knowledge and processes compiled from the top sports non-profit organizations in the country. The information is condensed into 15 chapters ranging between two to eight minutes each.
The course is aimed at providing you with all you need to build a solid base of understanding about managing a sports non-profit organization.
It also provides you with tasks at the end of each chapter to challenge you to form your own interpretation of what you have learned.
In course you will learn:
Defining the scope and objective of a sports non-profit organization.
How to identifying the sport or sports of choice
Developing a program and the process for executing the same.
How to identify the right beneficiaries and determine resources to be deployed to their benefit.
Determining between running a sporting excellence program or a grassroots development program.
The end-to-end process of raising funding and contributions.
The idea of holistic athlete development and how it should be implemented.
How sports can be grouped under a corporation's CSR policy.
The process and structure for reporting on the progress and results of a Sports NPO program
The different types of roles at a Sports NPO and the responsibilities they carry.